20 de septiembre de 2012

INFO -> Codigos de Error del Climatizador

Para ver los verificar ciertos errores, o tener lecturas en tiempo real de muchos de los sensores que tiene nuestro coche en la pantalla del Climatizador, sin hacer uso de un Ordenador, VAGCOM, ni nada por el estilo, podemos ver los codigos y/o valores en la pantalla del climatizador. 

Para ello, seguiremos las siguientes instrucciones:
- Presionamos y mantenemos de forma simultanea los botones de recirculacion y la flecha superior, hasta que en la pantalla del clima aparezca "1C", momento en el cual soltamos ambos botones:

Para seleccionar un canal concreto, lo hacemos con la ruleta de la temperatura, hacia la derecha canal + y para la izquierda canal - . Van pasando de uno en uno:

Cuando tengamos seleccionado el canal deseado, apretamos el boton de la recirculacion que en este caso actua de "Enter" y nos mostrará la información de este canal:

Si queremos seguir viendo canales, solamente tenemos que volver a mover la ruleta de temperatura "+" o "-" para buscar otro canal y para seleccionarlo otra vez a la recirculacion del aire.

Para salir en cualquier momento podemos sacar la llave de contacto o volver a usar la combinacion de teclas
que inicia el "modo oculto", esto es, recirculacion + flecha superior o pulsar AUTO.

A continuación se muestra la lista mas o menos completa de los canales y que significan.

Fijaros en que la mayoria de los canales estan asociados a un sensor (G XX) esos "G" son sensores que tiene el motor distribuidos y si detectáis un valor raro o erroneo en uno de ellos, podeis estar detectando una posible avería que luego se podria corroborar bien con la maquina de Audi o bien con el VAG-COM.

Es posible que no todos os funcionen o que arrojen resultados incoherentes, no todos los coches tienen los mismos canales ni significan lo mismo, pero por lo general suelen ser comunes. Marco con negrita los más usados/interesantes:


1 Este es un poco especial. Se explica al final de la lista*
2 Digital value of Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner (G 86)
3 Digital value of Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel (G 56)
4 Digital value of Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor (G 89)
5 Digital value of Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor (G 17), front
6 Digital value of Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor
7 Digital value of Ambient Temperature Sensor At Fresh Air Blower (G 109)
8 Digital value of Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 92)
9 Delta value of Temperature Regulator Flap
10 Non-corrected specified value of Temperature Regulator Flap
11 Digital value of Central Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 112)
12 Specified value of Central Flap
13 Digital value of Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 114)
14 Specified value of Footwell/Defroster Flap
15 Digital value of Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 113)
16 Specified value of Air Flow Flap
17 Vehicle Speed (km/h)
18 Actual Air Blower voltage (Volts)
19 Specified Fresh Air Blower voltage (Volts)
20 Voltage bateria(Volts)
21 Number of low voltage occurrences, non-transient
22 Cycle condition of A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch (F 118)
23 Cyclings of the A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch (F 118)
24 Cyclings of the switches, absolute non-fluctuating
25 Analog/Digital value, Kick-Down Switch
26 Analog/Digital value, Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Warning Light
27 Coding value
28 Engine Speed (RPM)
29 A/C Compressor speed in rpm (Equals Engine Speed x 1.28)
30 Software version
31 Display check (all segments of A/C Control Head display light up)
32 Potentiometer malfunction counter, Temperature Regulator Flap
33 Potentiometer malfunction counter, Central Flap
34 Potentiometer malfunction counter, Footwell/Defroster Flap
35 Potentiometer malfunction counter, Air Flow Map
36 Feedback value, cold end-stop, Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 92)
37 Feedback value, hot end-stop, Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 92), max. stop
38 Feedback value, cold end-stop, Central Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 112)
39 Feedback value, hot end-stop, Central Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 112)
40 Feedback value, cold end-stop, Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer (G114)
41 Feedback value, hot end-stop, Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer (G114)
42 Feedback value, cold end-stop, Air Flow Map Motor Potentiometer (G 113)
43 Feedback value, hot end-stop, Air Flow Map Motor Potentiometer (G 113)
44 Vehicle operation cycle counter
45 Calculated interior temperature (internal software, in digits)
46 Outside (ambient) temperature, filtered, for regulation (internal software)
47 Outside (ambient) temperature, unfiltered, (internal software, in deg C)
48 Outside (ambient) temperature, unfiltered, (in digits)
49 Engine Coolant Temperature accuracy (ECT) in deg Cl
50 Standing time (in minutes)
51 Engine Coolant Temperature smooth (ECT) in deg C
52 Graphics channel 1 - A/C compressor switch-off conditions are identified by illuminated segments of the
“88.8” display. See chart below.
53 Graphics channel 2 - Climate system electrical outputs are identified by illuminated segments of the
“88.8” display. See chart below.
54 Control characteristics
55 Outside (ambient) temperature, in deg C or deg F depending on setting on A/C control head
56 Temperature in deg C, from Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner (G 86)
57 Temperature in deg C, from Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel (G 56)
58 Temperature in deg C, from Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor (G 89)
59 Temperature in deg C, from Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor (G 17), front
60 Temperature in deg C, from Ambient Temperature Sensor At Fresh Air Blower (G 109)
61 Software version (latest)
86 Chequeo de la pantalla (todos los segmentos de la pantalla del control del clima se encienden)

CANAL 1 "1C"

Este canal lo que muestra son errores o DTC que pueda haber en el coche. Es como deciamos una "mini

La lista de errores que nos pude dar y su interpretacion es:

00.0 No malfunction present
02.1 (G86) Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner, static open, *02.1 (see below)
02.2 Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner, static short, see 02.1
02.3 Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner, sporadic open
02.4 Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner, sporadic short
03.1 (G56) Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel, static open, see 02.1
03.2 Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel, static short, see 02.1
03.3 Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel, sporadic open
03.4 Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel, sporadic short
04.1 (G89) Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor, static open, *04.1 (see below)
04.2 Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor, static short, see 04.1
04.3 Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor, sporadic open
04.4 Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor, sporadic short
05.1 (G17) Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor, front, static open, *05.1 (see below)
05.2 Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor, front, static short, see 05.1, *05.2 (see below)
05.3 Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor, front, sporadic open
05.4 Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor, front, sporadic short
06.1 (G110) Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT), A/C static open, *06.1 (see below)
06.2 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT), A/C static short, see 06.1
06.3 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT), A/C sporadic open
06.4 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT), A/C sporadic short
07.1 (G109) Ambient Temperature Sensor at Fresh Air Blower, static open, *07.1 (see below)
07.2 Ambient Temperature Sensor at Fresh Air Blower, static short, see 07.1
07.3 Ambient Temperature Sensor at Fresh Air Blower, sporadic open
07.4 Ambient Temperature Sensor at Fresh Air Blower, sporadic short
08.1 (G92) Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer, static open, *08.1 (see below)
08.2 Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer, static short, see 08.1
08.3 Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic open
08.4 Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic short
08.5 Temperature Regulator Flap, static block, *08.5 (see below)
08.6 Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer, malfunction
08.7 Temperature Regulator Flap, sporadic block
11.1 (G112) Central Flap Motor Potentiometer, static open, *11.1 (see below)
11.2 Central Flap Motor Potentiometer, static short, see 11.1
11.3 Central Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic open
11.4 Central Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic short
11.5 Central Flap, static block, *11.5 (see below)
11.6 Central Flap Motor Potentiometer, malfunction
11.7 Central Flap, sporadic block
13.1 (G114) Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer, static open, *13.1 (see below)
13.2 Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer, static short, see 13.1
13.3 Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic open
13.4 Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic short
13.5 Footwell/Defroster Flap, static block, *13.5 (see below)
13.6 Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer, malfunction
13.7 Footwell/Defroster Flap, sporadic block
15.1 (G113) Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, static open, *15.1 (see below)
15.2 Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, static short, see 15.1
15.3 Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic open
15.4 Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic short
15.5 Air Flow Flap, static block, see *15.5 (see below)
15.6 Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, malfunction
15.7 Air Flow Flap, sporadic block
17.0 Vehicle Speed Signal faulty
18.1 Fresh air blower voltage, static
18.3 Fresh air blower voltage, sporadic
20.1 A/C compressor voltage not OK - static, *20.1 (see below)
20.3 A/C compressor voltage not OK - sporadic
22.1 (F118) A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch, static open, *22.1 (see below)
22.3 A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch, sporadic open
22.5 A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch, 120X open, *22.5 (see below)
29.1 Belt slip detection "soft", static
29.2 Belt slip detection "hard", static
29.3 Belt slip detection "soft", sporadic
29.4 Belt slip detection "hard", sporadic

Y con esto podemos ir tirando, aunque tarde o temprano deberemos comprar el VAGCOM ;)

Jesus Llagas (jllagas)